How to make"biopori hole"


  1. first,prepare the tool to make biopori like a drill ground and materias for the filler hole. after that specify the location  where you want to create biopori hole.the place has been determined, after that,you simply make a cyindrical hole vertical hole into the ground with a diameter 10-30 CM. Design is also the depth of approximately 100cm or not exceed the ground water. if the soil water was shallow preferably  the hole recommended distance 50-100Cm. after the hole is complete, another thing you should do is strengthen the mouth hole with cement. finaly fill the hole ithorganic wastte like garden waste an kitchen waste.

  •  prepare:Make (something) ready for use or consideration: prepare a brief summary of the article
  • specify:Identify clearly and definitely: the coup leader promised an election but did not specify a date
  • been:Past participle of be:(singular present am /am/; are /är/; is /iz/; plural present are; first and third singular past was /wəz/ /wäz/; second singular past and plural past were /wər/; present subjunctive be; past subjunctive were; present participle being /ˈbēiNG/; past participle been /bin/)
  • make:Form (something) by putting parts together or combining substances; construct; create: my grandmother made a dress for me the body is made from four pieces of maple baseball bats are made of ash
    1.1 (make something into) Alter something so that it forms or constitutes (something else): buffalo’s milk can be made into cheese
    1.2Compose, prepare, or draw up (something written or abstract): she made her will
    1.3Prepare (a dish, drink, or meal) for consumption: she was making lunch for Lucy and Francis [with two objects]: I’ll make us both a cup of tea
    1.4Arrange bedclothes tidily on (a bed) ready for use.
    1.5Arrange and light materials for (a fire).
    1.6 Electronics Complete or close (a circuit).
    2Cause (something) to exist or come about; bring about: the drips had made a pool on the floor
    2.1 [with object and complementor infinitive] Cause to become or seem: decorative features make brickwork more interesting the best way to disarm your critics is to make them laugh
    2.2Carry out, perform, or produce (a specified action, movement, or sound): Unger made a speech of forty minutes anyone can make a mistake we made a deal
    2.3Communicate or express (an idea, request, or requirement): I tend to make heavy demands on people [with two objects]: make him an offer he can’t refuse
    2.4chiefly archaic Enter into a contract of (marriage): a marriage made in heaven
    2.5 [with object and complement] Appoint or designate (someone) to a position: he was made a colonel in the Mexican army
    2.6 [with object and complement] Represent or cause to appear in a specified way: the sale price and extended warranty make it an excellent value
    2.7Cause or ensure the success or advancement of: the work which really made Wordsworth’s reputation
    3 [with object and infinitive] Compel (someone) to do something: she bought me a brandy and made me drink it
    4Constitute; amount to: they made an unusual duo
    4.1Serve as or become through development or adaptation: this fern makes a good houseplant
    4.2Consider to be; estimate as: How many are there? I make it sixteen
    4.3Agree or decide on (a specified arrangement), typically one concerning a time or place: let’s make it 7:30
    5Gain or earn (money or profit): he’d made a lot of money out of hardware
    6Arrive at (a place) within a specified time or in time for (a train or other transport): we’ve got a lot to do if you’re going to make the shuttle they didn’t always make it on time
    6.1 (make it) Succeed in something; become successful: he waited confidently for his band to make it
    6.2Achieve a place in: these dogs seldom make the news they made it to the semifinals
    6.3Achieve the rank of: he wasn’t going to make captain
    7 [no object] Go or prepare to go in a particular direction: he struggled to his feet and made toward the car
    7.1 [with infinitive] Act as if one is about to perform an action: she made as if to leave the room
    8North American informal Induce (someone) to have sexual intercourse with one: he had been trying to make Cynthia for two years now his alleged quest to make it with the world’s most attractive women
    9(In bridge, whist, and similar games) win (a trick).
    9.1Win a trick with (a card).
    9.2Win the number of tricks that fulfills (a contract).
    9.3Shuffle (a pack of cards) for dealing.
    10 [no object] (Of the tide) begin to flow or ebb
  • designDecide upon the look and functioning of (a building, garment, or other object), typically by making a detailed drawing of it: a number of architectural students were designing a factory [as adjective with submodifier]: (designed) specially designed buildings
  • strengthenMake or become stronger: [with object]: he advises an application of fluoride to strengthen the teeth [no object]: the wind won’t strengthen until after dark
  • fill
    Put someone or something into (a space or container) so that it is completely or almost completely full: I filled up the bottle with water the office was filled with reporters


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